February is over. Thank goodness that's done. Now we can move forward, brush the winter from our sleeping bodies and get started with spring already. Right? You with me?
I've got a stack of books on the nightstand, on the coffee table and on the kitchen table, most of them my inspiration for gardening, for homesteading, for living off the land. The un thawed, black dirt that will grow for us again. The planning continues...
In the meantime, while ra-ra-ing the sring from the windows of my warm and cozy home, I've been sewing some, cutting patterns, and knitting cowl orders. I finished this pillow, my first starbust kinda pieced thing, I made it up as I went along and I think it turned out alright!
I got the chance to sneak out for an hour while visiting my Mom's this weekend with the kids. My mom is so amazing. She just straight up says to me:
"You wanna go thrifting for a few hours? I'll watch the kids."
Rock on Gramma. I beelined it for "Mennonite Thrifty Land of Amazing Things For cents, not dollars"
I'm trying to hold back on the dishes these days, being that a few stacks of my dinner plates are so heavy that I've a little concerned that the cupboards can bear the weight. So I went for strictly fabric/notions and crafty things of all manner. I found a couple of patterns I can use:
I love the illustration of these two especially. They look so happy that their mother has made them these darling little outfits and that puppets are so darn cute:
So chipper as ever, this morning I am happily saying "Welcome March! And all that you bring!"
Let's hope it all comes in like a lamb and leaves all cute and bouncy and soft like one too.