While most of Canada is covered in snow and ice (and I am often jealous, believe it or not) we live in a much milder climate in Vancouver. I often yearn for quiet snow falling outside my window as I knit by the potbellied stove (the fire is purely imagination - we don't have one, pot-bellied or not) The children would play quietly beside it, playing finger games and doing puzzles (also purely imaginative, they would be more likely banging on a pot and breaking things) Instead, in Vancouver, it drizzles. Drizzles and drizzles and is grey and sometimes the wind picks up off the ocean. No snow, not much at least.
Though I love the winter hibernation that is my home, all warm and slow (rain or snow) - I couldn't help but feel the heartbeat of spring when I discovered this in the frozen ground that is my yard. The very, very beginnings of spring. Is it really coming already? I have barely started the spring dresses - and that new patchwork beach blanket... how can a girl ever keep up with Mother Nature?