I don't know what we were thinking. We got home from our holidays this weekend, unpacked our bags and started tearing the house apart. A fresh approach, a new look, more space - it was just time. My studio has officially been half-packed into boxes and taken downstairs. We spent a night painting the old room, building the AMAZING vintage teak beds I scored a few months back, and moved in the kids.
It's been six years of our family sharing one bedroom, in this house or others. Some people think we're crazy, to pile into one room like that - and I'll admit, it wasn't always easy. But I hold strong to my belief that having my kids in my bed and in beds close to ours has given them a very positive sleep experience their whole lives. As babies, the bond between a mother's body and their own is not broken at birth. It takes months and years to establish a trust in the dark, a safety in the night, and belief that Mommy and Daddy are always right there. Some kids get it sooner and some later. I think we've done a beautiful job at giving our kids the ability to sleep well.
And then it comes a time when their little bodies grow too big for a crowded bed and a crowded room and it becomes the time for them to claim their own space. We may be a little later in the game then most, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. This is a milestone in all of our lives, and I am proud and certain that my kids are insightful enough to say yes to their own independence.
So, without further ado, here is their new space. Taken with my Iphone, since my camera is somewhere in the depths of my next project... the studio. Sweet dreams little ones. We're just down the hall.
**PS - I am fully aware that by tomorrow morning, this entire room will be upside-down. At least I'll have the pictures to remember the clean beauty it was!!**