It's the kind of thing that could make me panic, but we've gone into it headfirst and have hardly looked up from our shovels.
We're completely reworking our yard. Front and back. Ripping out old boxes and beds, moving entire gardens from back to front and front to back, digging up and relocating perennials, building fences and transforming our outdoor space completely.
I want a garden space that is much more usable, and can hold a lot more. Along with our seasonal vegetables and fruits I am in need of even more space to coax new plants out of the ground all in the name of natural dyeing.
It's been a very hard-working week. Everything is covered in mud, the kids, the dog, the house. The laundry, the house chores, the knitting, the sewing... everything else is being (almost) completely ignored in a quest for a more workable garden.
The kids are in heaven, of course, filthy and happy. Outdoors from sun up to sun down, rain or shine, sharing sandwiches outside and barely making it through a nightly scrub down before crashing in their beds, dirt still under their fingernails, with me not far behind.
Everywhere signs of spring are showing as we unearth bulbs and new beginnings.
It's been a very, very long week. And the very best start to spring.