There's something really nice about a dress. I don't if it's the way that people react to a woman in a dress or if it's the way a woman carries herself in one, but a dress creates a certain kind of feeling that brings out a niceness in people. It's like saying "Today is a really nice day and I'm going to dress for it." People react to that, smile more, find a woman in a dress approachable and friendly.
My freshman week in nicer attire didn't start out feeling so nice. In fact it was anything but. The terrible weather attributed to my unease, but frankly the biggest wall was my own attitude towards the dress. I'd forgotten how to carry myself in a dress. I felt like wearing one was too exposing, not tough enough for me. I wasn't sure I could be myself. I had forgotten completely about the power of the dress.
Putting on a dress has encouraged me to care a little more about the way I looked head to toe. I don't think in a vain way, I think, more in a very loving way. I feel like I want to present myself differently, like someone who took the time to look nice, because I value myself enough to care.
Peope interact differently with a woman in a dress. I think it comes back to the power of the dress. When wearing a dress, a woman feels pretty, she feel confident. She carries herself differently and people feel that. There's a contagious kind of happy that can happen around a woman who feels good in her clothes.
So I'm a week in... and I think I've reined in some of my biggest fears around wearing a dress. I think I'm gaining confidence and feeling more and more comfortable. I think I can still be me and be in a dress. It's kind of nice.
What are you wearing when you feel the most like you?