I haven't been in the studio for awhile. It took me about a half an hour of fingering material and flipping through books before I finally flipped the switch and turned on my sewing machines. I don't know what my problem has been lately, but the lack of inspiration in the sewing room has left me gritting my teeth and pacing floors.
Finally a break through.
When I'm not being particularly creative I feel like I'm not doing enough. I've been really busy with the knitting these days, lots of orders from the shop, lots of requests for mittens and hats for this family of mine. But I was missing the scissors, the measuring. Crisp fabric and pins and lights. It's nice to get back in here. And all it took was one day to get my mind cranking out ideas for new projects.
I didn't get too complicated with what I was doing, just made a few things that were on my list...a few Christmas gifts I can't let out of the bag, and a travel cosmetic bag using the very last of my Ruby Star Rising "Vintage Ladies" fabric.
An afternoon alone to cut and sew makes for one happy mama.