August is here and finally the weather is (somewhat) cooperating. Though it isn't the hot hot heat we should be having, at least some of springs hard work is rearing it's delightful payoff.
It's about time. And I'm finally feeling good enough to get out into the yard and do some work! It doesn't take long for the garden to become unruly, and I've spent bits and pieces of the last few days cleaning up the weeds, the overgrown and the desperate to be picked.
I love being in my garden. While the work is endless and it can behave like an unruly child, it is somewhere I love to be. I dream of the day (sometime soon, I hope) that we will have a bigger outdoor space, one in which I don't have to plan so carefully who is first in line for the sunniest spot and carefully guard my early spring beds from feet and balls and misguided two year olds with shovels. I'd like to have beds dedicated to singular plants, and it be enough to harvest and hoard over the winter, as well as share with neighbors.
I'd like to have a garden in the front so full of perennials that I could pick bouquets every day and fill the rooms of my house with the flowers I grow.
I'd like to use chicken wire for more than decorative purposes. I'd like to use it to keep chickens.
In the meantime, in our urban yard in this urban landscape, I am happy and dreaming for tomorrow.