Okay, the "Finish Me" baskets of sewing projects are over-flowing and getting out of hand. I sorted through them (yet again) with good intentions, and I even recycled a few projects that I just know I'm never, ever going to finish. The project that was giving me the biggest grief was the paper-pieced rose I made a few months ago.
The paper-pieced rose, I loved...I had good intentions to keep going and hand sew about twelve 20 by 20 inch blocks like it to make a quilt. Sigh.....good intentions, but poor, poor follow through. I have very romantic notions about hand stitching a quilt from start to finish, a project I would labour over for months, rocking in my chair with a lamp light glowing on my work... I don't know if it's that I just don't have to focus or the drive to work on the same project continuously for months and months....but the idea of it makes me really really want to do something else. So I took the one lonely block I'd made and turned it into a pillow. Fail safe quilter's go to project. If it isn't working - make a pillow.
I will make that hand-sewn quilt one day - but for now, I've got two kids growing out of their clothes by the week, an over-grown garden and one really, really cute pillow.