A day to myself. The kids and Gabriel were eating pancakes before I even opened my eyes. They were dressed and out the door before I had sipped my first coffee. Suddenly, the parade had left...and it was quiet. I peeked into the sewing room, hummed and hawed over the state of the floors and poked around the house a bit, but it was the weeds that were on my mind.
I pulled on my favorite jeans, the ones covered in earth and paint and God knows what. I grabbed my hat and my gloves and went outside. With the sun on my back I got to it. The peace in digging and pulling and hauling. I spent the entire day head down in the flowers and veggies. Here is the day through my lens.
A first thing in the morning ritual, looking to the ocean skies and if they are not grey or black and threatening rain, I hang the laundry on the line. I do this most mornings, and think of my mother and her mother and her mother almost every time.
Second morning ritual, which somehow takes second over laundry hanging. Coffee. Our machine is a Pavoni, a lever press and the love of my life. Next to my family.
Third morning ritual, after coffee. Inspect the garden with coffee in hand. I think I get this from my mom, who I remember doing this too. Inspecting garden beds while drinking coffee. Look for anything new, check up on the growing, and tsk tsk anything getting eaten or sending an SOS... put it on your list.
Get to it girl. You got time to yourself.
Okay, coffee break...
You didn't really think I'd spent my entire day alone working did you? A girl's gotta have some downtime.
Just me.