*disclaimer - while I am "poking" fun at Facebook, it is me who I'm laughing at, not any one of my 567 friends.*
I broke up with Facebook.
I scrolled down the account settings, clicked on Deactivate Account, and said my goodbyes. It wasn't terribly hard to do, and it didn't take much thought to decide that this was the best thing for me.
I liked a lot of things about Facebook. I got to do and see a lot of things that I wouldn't have otherwise. Catch up with old friends, stay connected across the country and the world. In what other platform can you get a daily update on what some random cousin had for breakfast or who's birthday it is right now? (I better go type something cute and funny on their wall, since they totally gave me a shout out on my birthday.)
I got invited to all kinds of events, some cool, some not. I never went to any of them though. I've got kids, which makes me somewhat of a recluse.
I got to choose a cute profile picture and write quirky and funny status updates about what I was doing at any given moment in time and why this was funny/cool/cute/or intoxicating-ly mysterious. "Holding out on everything with sky blue heartbeats." Those were my favorite kind of status updates. The vague one sentence statements that made no sense, but most likely made other people think "Wow, what a cool girl, what IS she doing?"
On Facebook I got to post photos of my kids, my life and myself. I got to peer into the lives of other "friends" and imagine what their lives must be like, piecing it together through their photos and on what people were saying on their "wall." Then I would see somebody on the street, and not have to ask them anything about their lives, since I got it all on my Mac, including those embarrassing photos of Saturday night that somebody else tagged of them and last weeks update when my News Feed told me "Stacy Johnson (not a real person) is (heart symbol) in a relationship and this week when it said Stacy Johnson is (heart symbol) single. Ouch.
I got to find old boyfriends, hesitate for just a moment, and then totally push aside the past, let bygones be bygones and request friendship. I would sit hunched over the screen, snooping through their photos, trying to distinguish if that girl they've got their arm wrapped around at a party is their girlfriend/friend/or friend for a night. Whoever it is, I was definitely prettier.
I got to mend broken ties with mean girls from high school - unwillingly - typing back a bewildered "Hey - thanks for the message, it's totally okay that you cornered me in the bathroom and punched me and then sent your bigger grade twelve friends after me for the rest of the year. Please, I almost forgot about that - Ha!" (Confirm friend request).
I got to be social at seven in the morning, in my pyjamas and without even brushing my teeth. I got to snoop and peek and write and basically have some fun. Facebook had some good qualities, this I can admit.
But there are things that I thought were really terrible about Facebook.
I think we've all talked about the issues of personal privacy, organic relationships, and sharing too much, so lets not go there. All of those things are issues to me, though never enough to totally shut 'er down. I've definitely (ahem" revamped my friend lists a few times over, never used any facebook applications or games that gave out my personal information...but who am I kidding? Facebook truly owns every photo and word I put out there. And so do the rest of you. It's the way of the internet, of social media, of blogging. It's reality. Privacy can really only be truly achieved if you don't have the internet, live off gird and don't own a credit card or a bank account. Sounds kinda nice some days.
Facebook can take what you mean to say and make you look like a total idiot. Whether it's an off-hand comment that's meant to be funny or lack of sarcasm italics, it's text, not real human contact. No facial expressions, no body language. You're never getting the real deal, the total package. Nobody on Facebook really knows how funny I am. That's so sad.
Don't poke me. I hate that shit.
I have found out that friends of mine have died through Facebook. I don't know what to say about that.
Really, when it came down to it, Facebook became a complete distraction for me from my real life. I would check more than I needed. I'm not offering totals here, because I think if I tallied the actual time spent "checking facebook" I would be personally mortified and you may think I'm a total loser. Let's just say it was distracting, to say the least. I have a million things that I want to do on any given day, and none of them are on Facebook. Unless it's an event invite. And then I might click "Attending" but you know I never will.
It wasn't any one thing in particular that set me off on a deactivate rampage, I just thought about it one night, after a particularly unproductive day, and decided that was that. I think I'll miss seeing what my friends are up to, and I bet they all miss me terribly already, or maybe nobody has noticed that I am gone.... but I'm still here. I'm still alive and well and doing all kinds of cool things and blogging about my super awesome life so if you were/are my friend, you still are and you can find me here. Better yet, you can come over to my house and I'll make you a coffee and we can give each other our status updates - face to face.
ps. To my old boyfriends, J.G and others, I was kidding about the whole hours spent snooping through your photos of you with those girls. I don't have time for that kind of shit. But yeah, I am super pretty these days.
pps..can somebody share this link on Facebook for me? Or "like" it? I need the promoting. (LOL.)