I have nothing sewing related, knitting related or craft related to share with you. Not a stitch. I haven't even taken photos of my kids these past few days. Where have I been? What else could I possibly be doing?
Well, I don't want to torture anybody east of the very west coast here....but I've been in my garden. For the past three days. Rain or shine, we've had em both...but when it's shining....it's bloody glorious. It only takes about a half a sunny day for west coasters to remember exactly why they love living on the west coast. Pure beauty.
The turn in the weather, the spring equinox, the "Super Moon"...whatever it is, or the mix of all three... I've been busting my butt from (early) morning till night. Diapers on the line, freshly turned garden beds, seedlings in every window, and a smile on my pretty little face. The kids are happy too. Frankie got up at 7:00 the other morning and by 7:15 she was outside and up a tree. I no longer have to hold a shrieking baby down to pile layer upon layer of wool just so he can step outside for a minute. The windows are open, the doors are open. I even piled the winter woolens, the extremely large pile of scarves and hats and cowls and mitts, the winter boots, the snow pants and the jackets, folded them and shoved them into their bins, shipped them downstairs and rid them of us for at least three glorious seasons. Good riddance. (Though I know I'll be craving them come fall....I love me some winter woolens)
And so onto the work that is our garden. This year, I hope will be a prosperous one. I spent a lot of last growing season helplessly unavailable to the many seeds and seedlings I threw out there, with a baby and all (poor baby, getting blamed for Mama's overgrown garden) Our yeild was good, but I didn't have the time to preserve a lot. This year will be a new year, one for growing and nurturing and teaching the wee ones all there is to know about the beauty and possibilities of growing your own.
I assure you, I won't be gone, or even slow down. Nor will I put down a needle and thread or some knitting sticks anytime soon...heaven forbid I have idle hands in the night. But these last three days have wiped me from any kind of energy at all come darkness....except to sit and admire my broken dirty fingernails and dirty jeans and to listen to my ratty-haired, tree-climbing garden children snoring in their bed.