What a great Sunday. Woke up late, cuddled on the couch with the kids and a cappuccino, and then the whole family got bundled up and headed to Commercial Drive for the GotCraft? Fair. Love this show. Saw a lot of great vendors, really well-made product and came away with some inspiration in my pocket.
Frankie toured the tables with me and picked up some free swag. She was pretty stoked. Perfect Sunday.
Here is a peek at some of the many amazing tables I got to browse:
Miranda McMurray of Hudsonny makes adorable things. Her pincushions were so cure and I love LOVE the wood grain fabric she used for her gnomes. Apparently it's a hard find. The search is on.
Shima Itabashi of Him Creations makes adorable felted everything. I loved her penguins!
Banoo's table was awesome. Her stuff is really lovely and she has great fabric choices for her wallets.
Banoo's neighboor had some really great stuff too, Rosewood N' Rook. Her drawings on wooden boxes are what caught my eye.
Aja Billas' work is ceramics, something I know nothing about, except that I like it. Her stuff is very clean looking, and she has really interesting shapes in her collection. Plus her kid is super cute ;) Hi Aja!
And of course, Spool of Thread was their doing their usual crafty business. Today's project was pinwheels. All materials provided, just sit down and craft your little heart out. Love their shop.
Great show, but I have to say, the best part was having my daughter sidekick-it with me. She's really growing up. I'm not chasing her down the aisles, telling her not to touch or dishing out the mega snacks just to get her through it. She's really interested in what other people are doing, what other people are making. Plus she was extra good in the anticipation of hot chocolate, cappuccinos and raspberry bars afterwards.